Amsterdam/Nijmegen, the Netherlands – Zeno AI is the subject of the podcast ‘AI in de zorg’ by Zorgkenners, with a focus on the enhancement of the head and neck field utilizing Artificial Intelligence.
In the podcast ‘AI in de zorg’ by Zorgkenners, that focusses on AI developments in healthcare in the Netherlands, Zeno AI was subject of the discussion in the field of head and neck oncology. Zeno AI is the first Artificial Intelligence solution (pending MDR approval) for the real-time detection and classification of head and neck cancers and benign lesions during a routine endoscopic examination.
Zeno AI supports ENT clinicians and other medical personnel in support for early detection and classification of lesions (benign or malignant) in the head and neck. The first version of Zeno AI focusses on the larynx (throat) and is able to detect and classify malignant and benign lesions in real-time. Currently used by Radboudumc and UMC Groningen in a prospective clinical study, the aim of Zeno AI is to assist in clinical decision-making and speed up the diagnostic turnaround time to ensure faster care and minimize the amount of unnecassary procedures when a clinician is in doubt.
You can listen to the episode here.
Zeno AI classifying a benign lesion with a confidence score of 82% during an endoscopic examination.
About WSK Medical
WSK Medical develops Artificial Intelligence software solutions for the detection and classification of cancer. Our aim is to bring you the most advanced Artificial Intelligence technologies to assist Clinicians and Doctors. We do this by working in partnership, to develop sophisticated AI systems. For more information about our AI solutions, please contact us.